Hex Markets

The Home of Smart Investors

Develop your trading skills through our advanced platform

Get 70% Bonus on 1st Deposit

New traders can enjoy our exclusive offer to trade more

Start trading with CFD's

Access the global markets with Zero Commissions

Leverages Up To 1:1000

Trade more with smaller investment

Get $20 Instant Cashback

Available for all deposits of $200 and above
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Account Managers

Up to
1:1000 Leverages

Fund Security



price manipulations

The Home of Smart Investors

Develop your trading skills through our advanced platform

Get 70% Bonus on 1st Deposit

New traders can enjoy our exclusive offer to trade more

Start trading with CFD's

Access the global markets with Zero Commissions

Leverages Up To 1:1000

Trade more with smaller investment

Get $20 Instant Cashback

Available for all deposits of $200 and above

Up to
1:1000 Leverages

Account Managers

Fund Security

price manipulations



01. Register for an Account

Sign up for a trading account of your consent, by providing personal information

02. Make your Preferred Deposit

Deposit an amount that you think would make a profit within your trading span

03. Trade through the Markets

Trade and invest in an array financial markets of any choice of yours

01. Register for an Account

Sign up for a trading account of your consent, by providing personal information

02. Make your Preferred Deposit

Deposit an amount that you think would make a profit within your trading span.

03. Trade through the Markets

Trade and invest in an array financial markets of any choice of yours.

Sign up, fund your account, and start trading today.

Maximize your trading options with the availability of a variety of trading tools and specified rates of leverage, and start building your trading portfolio along with sufficient trading education.

Maximize your trading options with the availability of a variety of trading tools and specified rates of leverage, and start building your trading portfolio along with sufficient trading education.

Start trading with HexMarkets

Available on multiple platforms



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